Errors and Exceptions

The Zen of Python states:
Errors should never pass silently.
Unless explicitly silenced.

With this in mind, steelconnection assumes all REST API calls should complete without error. Succeful requests will return with an HTTP 200-level response. Any other response if considered a failed request and will cause steelconnection to raise either a RuntimeError, or a custom exceptions that inherits from RuntimeError. Exception handling can be used to catch the exception:

    sc.put(f'node/{node_id}', data={'location': 'LAB'})
except RuntimeError as e:

Specific Exceptions:

Exception HTTP code Reason
AuthenticationError 401 Incorrect username and password.
APINotEnabled 502 Rest API is not enabled on Realm.
BadRequest 400 Tried creating a resource that already exists.
InvalidResource 404 Path or resource not found.
ResourceGone 402 Resource no longer available.

Alternate Error Behavior

If you prefer to have your script exit with a simple error message and no traceback, which can be confusing to users who are not programmers, you can set on_error='exit' when you create your SConnect object.

sc = SConnect('', on_error='exit')

If you prefer to handle errors manually and do not want steelconnection to generate exceptions based on HTTP response code, you can set on_error=None when you create your SConnect object. The steelconnection object will evaluate as True after a successful request and False otherwise. This reflects the status of the obect attribute SConnect.response.ok.

sc = SConnect('', on_error=None)