Virtual Appliance Image Download


There is a convenience method .download_image that can be used to download a virtual appliance image file. This method will optionally request the ‘build’ of a virtual appliance image, when you set build= a vm type, such as build=kvm or build=ova. Then it will check the availability of the image file every one second until the file is found. Next it will download the file to the location specifed by the save_as= parameter. download_image will print status messages while checking the status and downloading the file. To disable status messages, include the quiet=True parameter. Here are some examples:

# Build kvm image and specify the downloads folder and filename.
sc.download_image(node['id'], save_as='Downloads/', build='kvm')

# Build a hyperv image and download to the current directory using the default file name.
sc.download_image(node['id'], build='hyperv')

# Download an existing image to /images/ directory and suppress status updates.
sc.download_image(node['id'], save_as='/images/', quiet=True)

Other Binary Data

In the event another API call returns binary data, You can access it directly through the object’s ‘.response.content’ attribute, or by calling the ‘.savefile(filename)’ method, which will save the binary data to a file.